The Community Partnerships Issue Briefs Series: Amplifying Learning in Systems Change Investments: An Experience in Developmental Evaluation

This brief is the fifth in a series developed in 2013 for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and focuses on amplifying learning to better support postsecondary completion.

In 2013, Equal Measure (then known as the OMG Center for Collaborative Learning) with our client the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, published a series of briefs investigating the key principles of systems change through collective impact strategies, gleaned from a national evaluation of the Foundation’s Community Partnerships Portfolio. This brief addresses two questions:

  • When is developmental evaluation a good approach?
  • How can communities, evaluators, and funders engage effectively in a developmental evaluation?

The other briefs in our community partnerships series are below:

  1. Building Commitment
  2. Using Data
  3. Aligning Policies and Practices
  4. Building and Sustaining Partnerships
  5. Amplifying Learning (viewing now)

Client: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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