Anna Jungclaus

Chief Financial Officer

Anna has a background as a CPA in both the for-profit and nonprofit worlds. She has more than 25 years of experience in auditing, finance, and treasury aspects of accounting.

As part of Equal Measure’s executive team, Anna has been integral to Equal Measure’s strategic planning and forecasting, using her financial skills to inform organizational strategy regarding the maintenance of fiscal health within the organization. She also maintains successful fiscal partnerships in the Philadelphia area. Other responsibilities include management of Equal Measure’s financial and human resource systems (payroll, benefits, tax filings, etc.) and of a growing finance, administrative, and IT team. Included within these areas are: planning and managing the annual audit, communicating key financial information to the Board, and overseeing internal accounting systems as well as all client financial reporting and billing.

Prior to joining Equal Measure in 2011, Anna supported the organization as a consultant through Your Part-Time Controller, LLC. As a YPTC manager, Anna managed nonprofit clients in Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., and helped to manage and grow YPTC’s D.C. office. She started her career at Price Waterhouse and worked in the airline, coal/oil/gas, and chemical industries over the years.


Nonprofit CPA career paths, her love of sailing on the Chesapeake Bay, and her travels to see her sons.

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