This series of knowledge sharing resources was created as part of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Digital Learning Infrastructure Capacity and Knowledge Sharing investment. As learning consultant, Equal Measure partnered with the foundation’s Postsecondary Success team and with Howard University, Morehouse College, Paul Quinn College, and UNCF to support, accelerate, and learn from notable initiatives underway at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
The activities informed foundation strategy as well as awareness about digital learning infrastructure (DLI) that drives success for students at HBCUs specifically and equitable student success in higher education more broadly. Lessons shared across the three-part series include the history and core components of DLI efforts; reflections from students and faculty members who participated in a new online program at Morehouse College; and emerging findings to expand digital innovation at other HBCUs and postsecondary institutions.
“One of the beauties of online education is that it allows people who don’t have the time or the finances to quit their job, to go back to school. It allows them to hold their spot, continue going to work and making money and taking care of family and self, and staying on the path in terms of their career.”
─Faculty reflection, Morehouse College
Part 1
Thriving, Not Surviving: HBCUs Enhance Capacity for Digital Learning
by Kimberly Braxton, Director, Equal Measure
“The pandemic and the racial unrest stemming from the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Walter Wallace, and so many others have centered attention on these valuable yet historically underfunded institutions—and sparked efforts to ensure that HBCUs not only survive but also thrive in digital learning.” Read more
Howard University
Timeline | Core Components
Morehouse College
Timeline | Core Components
Paul Quinn College
Timeline | Core Components
Part 2
Voices from the Classroom: Morehouse College Faculty and Students Reflect On Their Online Learning Experiences
by Pegah Maleki, Intern, Equal Measure
“Voices from the Classroom spotlights the reflections of students and faculty at Morehouse College engaged in the online business administration bachelor’s degree program, providing a window into how online environments can amplify student learning at HBCUs.” Read more
Part 3
Strengthening Digital Learning Infrastructure to Enhance Student Success: 5 Lessons from Howard University, Morehouse College, and Paul Quinn College
by Victoria Worthen Lang, Senior Consultant, Equal Measure
“Through conversations with faculty, students, and administrators across these institutions, Equal Measure identified how five overarching components of the work can enhance DLI within each institution’s unique context. These five components include Leadership and Vision, Student-Centered Design, Staff and Faculty Development, Coordination and Partnership, and Centralized Operations and Supports.” Read more