Evaluation of Philadelphia STEM Equity Collective
The Change our Client Seeks
In the United States, STEM careers are an increasingly important contribution to regional economies, but not enough qualified STEM professionals are being developed to address future demand. The gateways into STEM are not equitably distributed or accessible, with numerous barriers between students of color and girls/women, and careers in STEM fields. Through a 10-year initiative, the GSK Foundation is working towards a goal of increasing the number of Philadelphia students from diverse backgrounds who become STEM professionals by addressing barriers through a collective impact partnership.
The Role We’re Playing
Equal Measure is an evaluation partner to GSK’s STEM collective impact effort, designing a shared measurement system to gauge and drive progress. Equal Measure is working with the Philadelphia STEM Equity Collective to build capacity to use data to track long-term progress, enabling shared ways of working and streamlining the process of communicating data to STEM stakeholders. Our work will culminate with the design of a theory of change and data dashboard that will guide the collective through the multi-year initiative.