Centering a Holistic Approach for Systems-Involved Young People

In 2016, the Annie E. Casey Foundation launched LEAP (Learn and Earn to Achieve Potential), a national initiative to help youth and young adults who have been involved in the foster care or justice systems or who have experienced homelessness succeed in school and work. Our brief shares the key takeaways on how LEAP partnerships tackle the root causes of disconnection from education and careers that systems-involved youth experience in their communities.

As the evaluation and learning partner, Equal Measure conducted a survey with LEAP leads at the six LEAP partnerships and interviewed LEAP national partners, a set of organizations working closely with the partnerships to provide technical assistance and expertise in a variety of areas. The data reveals several ways that LEAP partnerships approach changing systems to better serve young people.

What We Learned About LEAP Partnerships

LEAP partnerships are implementing many interrelated strategies to improve educational and work outcomes for systems-involved young people. Taking a holistic approach is the dominant and overarching strategy of LEAP partnerships.

The partnerships are also approaching comprehensive, long-term change through:

  • Deep cross-sector partnerships. In most communities, one organization cannot meet all the complex needs of systems-involved young people. Partnerships with external organizations, such as community-based organizations and government agencies, are essential for housing, food, health, and more. Additionally, even large direct service organizations need to develop internal partnerships, such as across departments, to connect youth to services.
  • Listening to young people and supporting youth leadership. Allowing young people frequent and varied opportunities to share their stories and name their needs, interests, and desires helps partners know what types of support young people need and strengthens partners’ holistic support. Meeting youth needs also means building up their confidence and self-efficacy, leadership skills, and voice.

Learn more in our brief


Issue brief cover: Centering a Holistic Approach to Expand Education and Employment Pathways for Systems-Involved Young People

Project Team Members:

  • Jennifer Thompson
  • Alice Soo-a Choe
  • Ana Lucía Raubitschek
  • Steph Skinner
  • Carise Mitch